Parent/Child Play Group
Parent/Child Play Group

1. Oktober 2024

Berlin International Women’s Club English-Speaking Parent/Child Play Group
Join us Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. for an English-speaking Krabbelgruppe. Bring your infant or toddler and their favorite toy and join us for a cup of coffee or tea, and conversation in English with other mothers and fathers in Berlin.
Starts Tuesday, September 3, and every Tuesday, 10:30-12:00
Sponsored jointly by The Berlin International Women’s Club and Offenes Wohnzimmer
BIWC has been connecting women in Berlin from all walks of life, working women, young mothers, and retirees for 32 years.
Find out more at
Offenes Wohnzimmer
Waldenserstr. 13
Berlin, 10551

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