Veranstaltungen im Februar 2025
Mo.Montag | Di.Dienstag | Mi.Mittwoch | Do.Donnerstag | Fr.Freitag | Sa.Samstag | So.Sonntag |
27. Januar 2025
28. Januar 2025
29. Januar 2025
30. Januar 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Hatha Yoga Mix für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Hatha Yoga Mix für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Offenes Wohnzimmer |
31. Januar 2025
1. Februar 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Welcome to WeMoa, where Kiez becomes community based on simply being together through social events, sports and culture. WeMoa is all about building a tight-knit community where fitness, fun, and connection come together. We’re more than just a workout group—we’re a movement that brings people of all cultures backgrounds and ages together through running, sports, and health-focused activities. Whether it’s sweating it out in the studio or exploring the outdoors and getting into the wintry Plötzensee or even simply meeting up in the courtyard for a chat, we believe in lifting each other up and making fitness accessible, social, and, most importantly, fun! Together, we move, grow, and thrive.
On Saturday’s we will get sweaty and limber together with 2 classes:
Full Body Burn - 45 min
Get ready to sweat, move, and feel unstoppable in this 45-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class! Designed to target your entire body for everybody, this fast-paced workout combines fun movements, strength-building exercises, and short recovery periods to maximize results in minimal time. Whether you’re looking to boost your fitness or just love a good challenge, this class will leave you energized, strong, and ready to take on the day. Come ready to work hard, have fun, and crush it! DIRECTLY FOLLOWED BY Full Body Flow - 30 min
Feel the freedom to move! In this 30-minute Full Body Flow class, we combine deep stretches and dynamic mobility exercises to unlock tight muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance your overall movement. It’s the perfect way to cool down and recover after our high-energy HIIT class, helping your body reset and relax. Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, release tension, or simply wind down, this session will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of your day. Stretch, flow, and feel amazing! FOR BOTH CLASSES PLEASE bring your own towel, water bottle and yoga mat if you can! This class is donation based. Pay what you can and feel is right! Cash or PayPal accepted. REGISTER yourself by email at or join the WhatsApp community for direct access to the classes: Sometimes due to scheduling conflicts the times are different on certain Saturdays. If you do not have WhatsApp and want to see the up to date schedule please visit: All the best, Coach Noah Offenes Wohnzimmer |
2. Februar 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Jeden Sonntag von 15 bis 18Uhr Partner-Akrobatik im Offenen Wohnzimmer - Offene Jam Du möchtest Flows und Figuren aus der Partnerakrobatik mit anderen Menschen ausprobieren? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Wir wollen gemeinsam einen Raum schaffen, in dem wir gemeinsam an unseren Flows arbeiten und kreativ experimentieren können. Ab und zu bieten wir auch Kurse an, die sich an unterschiedliche Niveaustufen richten. Weitere Infos bekommst du bei der Anmeldung. **** |
3. Februar 2025
4. Februar 2025
5. Februar 2025
6. Februar 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Hatha Yoga Mix für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Hatha Yoga Mix für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Offenes Wohnzimmer |
7. Februar 2025
8. Februar 2025(2 Veranstaltungen) – ![]() Welcome to WeMoa, where Kiez becomes community based on simply being together through social events, sports and culture. WeMoa is all about building a tight-knit community where fitness, fun, and connection come together. We’re more than just a workout group—we’re a movement that brings people of all cultures backgrounds and ages together through running, sports, and health-focused activities. Whether it’s sweating it out in the studio or exploring the outdoors and getting into the wintry Plötzensee or even simply meeting up in the courtyard for a chat, we believe in lifting each other up and making fitness accessible, social, and, most importantly, fun! Together, we move, grow, and thrive.
On Saturday’s we will get sweaty and limber together with 2 classes:
Full Body Burn - 45 min
Get ready to sweat, move, and feel unstoppable in this 45-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class! Designed to target your entire body for everybody, this fast-paced workout combines fun movements, strength-building exercises, and short recovery periods to maximize results in minimal time. Whether you’re looking to boost your fitness or just love a good challenge, this class will leave you energized, strong, and ready to take on the day. Come ready to work hard, have fun, and crush it! DIRECTLY FOLLOWED BY Full Body Flow - 30 min
Feel the freedom to move! In this 30-minute Full Body Flow class, we combine deep stretches and dynamic mobility exercises to unlock tight muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance your overall movement. It’s the perfect way to cool down and recover after our high-energy HIIT class, helping your body reset and relax. Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, release tension, or simply wind down, this session will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of your day. Stretch, flow, and feel amazing! FOR BOTH CLASSES PLEASE bring your own towel, water bottle and yoga mat if you can! This class is donation based. Pay what you can and feel is right! Cash or PayPal accepted. REGISTER yourself by email at or join the WhatsApp community for direct access to the classes: Sometimes due to scheduling conflicts the times are different on certain Saturdays. If you do not have WhatsApp and want to see the up to date schedule please visit: All the best, Coach Noah Offenes Wohnzimmer – ![]() Liebe Musizierende und Tanzende: Wir laden alle Menschen mit akustischem Musikinstrument ein mit uns leichte Stücke vom Balkan, Skandinavien, Irland oder Israel zu spielen. Wir spielen nach Noten, aber im Sessionstyle, also ohne zu "üben". Die Wiederholung machts 🙂 Dazu gibt's leicht zu erlernende Kreistänze mit Tanzanleitung. Bringt gern saubere Tanzschuhe oder warme Socken/Hausschuhe mit. Offenes Wohnzimmer |
9. Februar 2025(2 Veranstaltungen) – ![]() Ob Sie im Pyjama aus dem Bett kommen oder nach einer verrückten, dekadenten Nacht eine After-Party feiern wollen, beim Tango-Brunch laufen alle Energien zusammen!
Auf dem Programm stehen Live-Musik, traditionelle Tangos, extravagante Tangos, Stücke, die man als Tangos tanzen könnte, eine offene Bühne, auf der Sie die Tangos, die Sie mögen, singen oder spielen können, eine Einführung in den Tango, wenn Sie ihn noch nicht tanzen, ein Brunch-Buffet, bei dem jeder das, was er an Essen und Trinken mitgebracht hat, zusammenlegt (ausschließlich vegetarisch oder vegan) und natürlich TANZEN!
11.00 Uhr Eröffnung der Feierlichkeiten und des Brunchbuffets.
11:00-11:45 Uhr Eine Einführung in den Tango für diejenigen, die noch nie Tango getanzt haben, von Stéphane el Turquito, der in Paris Tango unterrichtet.
11.45 Uhr Eröffnung des Balls für geübte Tangueras und Tangueros auf dem wunderschönen Parkett des Offenen Wohnzimmers (Achtung: Tangoschuhe sind Pflicht, ansonsten Socken).
Bis 13.30 Uhr Offene Bühne mit Turquito und Nymphea! Kommen Sie, singen Sie, spielen Sie alle Arten von Stücken, die man als Tango, Walzer oder Milonga tanzen könnte. DJ Turquito aus Paris wird zwischen den Beiträgen auch traditionelle Tango-Tandas auflegen.
13.30 Uhr bis zum Ende: Konzert des Duo Pacifico mit Nami Miyata an der chromatischen Mundharmonika und Turquito an der Gitarre. Das Duo Pacifico besteht seit 2019 und wird von der Vereinigung Paris-Harmonica unterstützt, in der Nami Miyata seit vielen Jahren unterrichtet.
Das Buffet endet um 14:30 Uhr, damit wir damit beginnen können, den Raum aufzuräumen, damit er für die Yogastunde nach uns bereit ist.
15Uhr: Ende
Der Eintritt ist auf Spendenbasis.
Die Musiker leben von ihrer Musik und wir danken Ihnen im Voraus für einen fairen Beitrag, damit wir qualitativ hochwertige Veranstaltungen anbieten können. Offenes Wohnzimmer – ![]() Jeden Sonntag von 15 bis 18Uhr Partner-Akrobatik im Offenen Wohnzimmer - Offene Jam Du möchtest Flows und Figuren aus der Partnerakrobatik mit anderen Menschen ausprobieren? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Wir wollen gemeinsam einen Raum schaffen, in dem wir gemeinsam an unseren Flows arbeiten und kreativ experimentieren können. Ab und zu bieten wir auch Kurse an, die sich an unterschiedliche Niveaustufen richten. Weitere Infos bekommst du bei der Anmeldung. **** |
10. Februar 2025
11. Februar 2025
12. Februar 2025
13. Februar 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Hatha Yoga Mix für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Hatha Yoga Mix für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Offenes Wohnzimmer |
14. Februar 2025
15. Februar 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Welcome to WeMoa, where Kiez becomes community based on simply being together through social events, sports and culture. WeMoa is all about building a tight-knit community where fitness, fun, and connection come together. We’re more than just a workout group—we’re a movement that brings people of all cultures backgrounds and ages together through running, sports, and health-focused activities. Whether it’s sweating it out in the studio or exploring the outdoors and getting into the wintry Plötzensee or even simply meeting up in the courtyard for a chat, we believe in lifting each other up and making fitness accessible, social, and, most importantly, fun! Together, we move, grow, and thrive.
On Saturday’s we will get sweaty and limber together with 2 classes:
Full Body Burn - 45 min
Get ready to sweat, move, and feel unstoppable in this 45-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class! Designed to target your entire body for everybody, this fast-paced workout combines fun movements, strength-building exercises, and short recovery periods to maximize results in minimal time. Whether you’re looking to boost your fitness or just love a good challenge, this class will leave you energized, strong, and ready to take on the day. Come ready to work hard, have fun, and crush it! DIRECTLY FOLLOWED BY Full Body Flow - 30 min
Feel the freedom to move! In this 30-minute Full Body Flow class, we combine deep stretches and dynamic mobility exercises to unlock tight muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance your overall movement. It’s the perfect way to cool down and recover after our high-energy HIIT class, helping your body reset and relax. Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, release tension, or simply wind down, this session will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of your day. Stretch, flow, and feel amazing! FOR BOTH CLASSES PLEASE bring your own towel, water bottle and yoga mat if you can! This class is donation based. Pay what you can and feel is right! Cash or PayPal accepted. REGISTER yourself by email at or join the WhatsApp community for direct access to the classes: Sometimes due to scheduling conflicts the times are different on certain Saturdays. If you do not have WhatsApp and want to see the up to date schedule please visit: All the best, Coach Noah Offenes Wohnzimmer |
16. Februar 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Jeden Sonntag von 15 bis 18Uhr Partner-Akrobatik im Offenen Wohnzimmer - Offene Jam Du möchtest Flows und Figuren aus der Partnerakrobatik mit anderen Menschen ausprobieren? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Wir wollen gemeinsam einen Raum schaffen, in dem wir gemeinsam an unseren Flows arbeiten und kreativ experimentieren können. Ab und zu bieten wir auch Kurse an, die sich an unterschiedliche Niveaustufen richten. Weitere Infos bekommst du bei der Anmeldung. **** |
17. Februar 2025
18. Februar 2025
19. Februar 2025
20. Februar 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Hatha Yoga Mix für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Hatha Yoga Mix für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Offenes Wohnzimmer |
21. Februar 2025
22. Februar 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Welcome to WeMoa, where Kiez becomes community based on simply being together through social events, sports and culture. WeMoa is all about building a tight-knit community where fitness, fun, and connection come together. We’re more than just a workout group—we’re a movement that brings people of all cultures backgrounds and ages together through running, sports, and health-focused activities. Whether it’s sweating it out in the studio or exploring the outdoors and getting into the wintry Plötzensee or even simply meeting up in the courtyard for a chat, we believe in lifting each other up and making fitness accessible, social, and, most importantly, fun! Together, we move, grow, and thrive.
On Saturday’s we will get sweaty and limber together with 2 classes:
Full Body Burn - 45 min
Get ready to sweat, move, and feel unstoppable in this 45-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class! Designed to target your entire body for everybody, this fast-paced workout combines fun movements, strength-building exercises, and short recovery periods to maximize results in minimal time. Whether you’re looking to boost your fitness or just love a good challenge, this class will leave you energized, strong, and ready to take on the day. Come ready to work hard, have fun, and crush it! DIRECTLY FOLLOWED BY Full Body Flow - 30 min
Feel the freedom to move! In this 30-minute Full Body Flow class, we combine deep stretches and dynamic mobility exercises to unlock tight muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance your overall movement. It’s the perfect way to cool down and recover after our high-energy HIIT class, helping your body reset and relax. Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, release tension, or simply wind down, this session will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of your day. Stretch, flow, and feel amazing! FOR BOTH CLASSES PLEASE bring your own towel, water bottle and yoga mat if you can! This class is donation based. Pay what you can and feel is right! Cash or PayPal accepted. REGISTER yourself by email at or join the WhatsApp community for direct access to the classes: Sometimes due to scheduling conflicts the times are different on certain Saturdays. If you do not have WhatsApp and want to see the up to date schedule please visit: All the best, Coach Noah Offenes Wohnzimmer |
23. Februar 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Jeden Sonntag von 15 bis 18Uhr Partner-Akrobatik im Offenen Wohnzimmer - Offene Jam Du möchtest Flows und Figuren aus der Partnerakrobatik mit anderen Menschen ausprobieren? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Wir wollen gemeinsam einen Raum schaffen, in dem wir gemeinsam an unseren Flows arbeiten und kreativ experimentieren können. Ab und zu bieten wir auch Kurse an, die sich an unterschiedliche Niveaustufen richten. Weitere Infos bekommst du bei der Anmeldung. **** |
24. Februar 2025
25. Februar 2025
26. Februar 2025
27. Februar 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Hatha Yoga Mix für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Hatha Yoga Mix für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Offenes Wohnzimmer |
28. Februar 2025
1. März 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Welcome to WeMoa, where Kiez becomes community based on simply being together through social events, sports and culture. WeMoa is all about building a tight-knit community where fitness, fun, and connection come together. We’re more than just a workout group—we’re a movement that brings people of all cultures backgrounds and ages together through running, sports, and health-focused activities. Whether it’s sweating it out in the studio or exploring the outdoors and getting into the wintry Plötzensee or even simply meeting up in the courtyard for a chat, we believe in lifting each other up and making fitness accessible, social, and, most importantly, fun! Together, we move, grow, and thrive.
On Saturday’s we will get sweaty and limber together with 2 classes:
Full Body Burn - 45 min
Get ready to sweat, move, and feel unstoppable in this 45-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class! Designed to target your entire body for everybody, this fast-paced workout combines fun movements, strength-building exercises, and short recovery periods to maximize results in minimal time. Whether you’re looking to boost your fitness or just love a good challenge, this class will leave you energized, strong, and ready to take on the day. Come ready to work hard, have fun, and crush it! DIRECTLY FOLLOWED BY Full Body Flow - 30 min
Feel the freedom to move! In this 30-minute Full Body Flow class, we combine deep stretches and dynamic mobility exercises to unlock tight muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance your overall movement. It’s the perfect way to cool down and recover after our high-energy HIIT class, helping your body reset and relax. Whether you’re looking to improve flexibility, release tension, or simply wind down, this session will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of your day. Stretch, flow, and feel amazing! FOR BOTH CLASSES PLEASE bring your own towel, water bottle and yoga mat if you can! This class is donation based. Pay what you can and feel is right! Cash or PayPal accepted. REGISTER yourself by email at or join the WhatsApp community for direct access to the classes: Sometimes due to scheduling conflicts the times are different on certain Saturdays. If you do not have WhatsApp and want to see the up to date schedule please visit: All the best, Coach Noah Offenes Wohnzimmer |
2. März 2025(1 Veranstaltung) – ![]() Jeden Sonntag von 15 bis 18Uhr Partner-Akrobatik im Offenen Wohnzimmer - Offene Jam Du möchtest Flows und Figuren aus der Partnerakrobatik mit anderen Menschen ausprobieren? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Wir wollen gemeinsam einen Raum schaffen, in dem wir gemeinsam an unseren Flows arbeiten und kreativ experimentieren können. Ab und zu bieten wir auch Kurse an, die sich an unterschiedliche Niveaustufen richten. Weitere Infos bekommst du bei der Anmeldung. **** |